Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rules of Engagement

Well, before I make my first real review I must explain how will the reviews be. Basically the reviews will be different depending on whether they're a video game or a movie review.

On video game reviews the post will be divided into the following categories:

- First Look: This section will basically be used as a place to make a short introduction to the game.

- Plot/Storyline: In this section, as you can see by its name, I'm going to talk about the storyline and, consequently, about any characters that take a significant part in it.

- Graphics: This will give a, hopefully, in depth look at the graphics of the reviewed game.

- Music/Sound Effects: This one's easy to guess too...everything related to the in game music and sound effects makes its appearance in this section.

- Overview: Here, as you can see, I'll make a overview of all the aspects analyzed in the other categories and try to weigh all the pros and cons of all aspects of the game. Also, some other aspects of the game that weren't covered by the categories can be discussed here too.

- Rating: Well, what else to say? This is where the game is rated. I'll use a scale from 0 to 10. As you can imagine 0, being the lowest grade represents the worst possible game imaginable by a human mind, something so bad and disgusting that makes everybody who plays the game want to commit suicide or enter a killing spree and assassinate everybody involved in the making of the game.
On the other hand if a certain game receives a 10,well...it's because that game's almost better than sex. In fact I bet that, for certain people out there, it WILL be better than sex.

So this has been an overview of the video game reviews.

Now for the movie reviews things will be identical to the video game ones, with very little difference.
And here it is:

- First Look: It's the same thing as it is in the game review. Basically, it's a small synopsis of the film.

- Plot/Storyline: Same as game review.

- CGI: Well, this is identical to the Graphics category in the game reviews, the difference is that, here, I'll discuss the eventual CGI that the reviewed movie has. Of course that if that film doesn't have any, or it has insignificant CGI, this category will be meaningless.

- Soundtrack: The name's different from the Music/Sound Effects category from the game reviews, but it's the same thing basically.

- Overview: Same as game review.

- Rating: Exactly the same thing as the category in the game review, with the same rating scale and everything.

Well, I can promise you one thing...the next post will DEFINITELY be a movie or video game review. I swear that I won't post anymore of these boring things...

See ya.

P.S. - All viewer suggestions are welcome. And, since this blog is just starting out, I'm thinking about posting viewer-made reviews. If there's anybody interested in writing a review to be posted here, just let me know.

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